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When The Fire And Flood Water Are Gone

There is always immense news coverage during a natural disaster of any kind no matter where in the world it might be taking place, but when they happen in our country, the coverage is even more intense because it affects our family, friends, and neighbors. It is so distressing to watch as people from all walks of life are affected by the fires and floods of recent years. We watch our television at home, in safety, as other lives are being torn apart by events that are beyond any control.

We seem to be immersed in the occurring tragedy, but as soon as it is over, we go back to our lives they were never truly interrupted. Not so for the survivors where the disaster struck. They have to begin to pick up the pieces of their lives and find some semblance or normalcy amidst the chaos. It is a painful process to endure when most or all of your home and belongings have been charred to a crisp or water damaged. For those who were not covered by insurance, it can mean a complete change in their way of life and starting over is twice as hard.

When people are insured adequately for a fire or flood in the home, it can be just a matter of time before the home is repaired or rebuilt because the money is there to do this and replace many of the necessities to get a home up and running again. As devastating as the whole situation was, they at least have the assurance that things can be set back to right again if they are patient and wait for it to get done.

For those who do not have insurance, it can be destructive in so many ways. There may be no money forth coming from anywhere at all. Applying for government aid and support can be a long and tedious process. While those who were insured might be able to live in temporary housing paid for by their insurance, the uninsured will have to stay in shelters, at the homes of relatives or friends, or they might even end up in the streets with their children in tow with only a suit case or two to carry what is left of their lives.

These people are the very reason that is it so important for us to give to organizations like The Red Cross. Before you turn off your television when a tragedy seems to be at the end, find out where you can donate money, food, clothing, or give help of any kind. Just because the news coverage stops, does not mean that the damage is over for the victims. You never know when the next disaster strikes it could be your family that is in the middle of it.