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The Dangers Of Smoke Inhalation

Everyone knows about the damage that can be done to your lungs because of smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and drugs of many kinds. Over time people who smoke will experience a continuing decline in their breathing quality. They will experience a shortness of breath and their physical capabilities can be impaired as well because the body can not get as much oxygen as it needs to the brain and the rest of the body. It is so difficult to understand why people inflict their own selves with these terrible side affects of a habit that is completely unnecessary.

Aside from the self inflicted complications from inhaling smoke, there are other cases where people end up taking it in through no fault of their own. Living in large urban areas where the air quality is not nearly all it should be can also cause some people to have difficulty breathing and with certain breathing related allergies. Big cities can fluctuate when it comes to smoke and other pollutants in the air. Many times how well people can breathe in areas like this will all come down to which way the wind is blowing.

Sometimes people are exposed to bad air quality because of where they work. Many who must work in some factories or foundry type settings have to wear respirators because of smoke or chemical content in the air they have to work in. These work places can cause long term breathing problems also.

Then there are the everyday house fires that people experience. Many times it could be just a small fire where the smoke can be more easily escaped and avoided, but other larger fires can cause big breathing problems especially if a person gets trapped for a time and is over come from the smoke. A lot of people have passed out and then been burned a live because they could they became unconscious and could not escape or make noise so firefighters could find them.

One of the first treatments that are usually received when a person comes out of a fire is oxygen. Cells and tissues in the body can begin to die when they are starved for oxygen. Getting oxygen to a person who has been overcome by smoke is vital to help prevent as much damage as possible. It is important for anyone who has been exposed to a great amount of smoke to be checked out at a hospital to know if the lungs contain toxins from the smoke. When the effects of smoke inhalation are so very dangerous, it makes you wonder why anyone would actually do this to themselves on purpose everyday.